In Control film reel A young lawyer experiences a strange phenomena and starts to think that she might be going mad, until she meets Dave, who has also experienced these events. Together they try to convince people what really is happening in the world, a world that becomes increasingly hostile towards them.
The film is about the quiet voice in the background, when all else is going through the motions, not thinking, not listening. Insanity, belief in oneself, and the struggle to survive against the odds are intrinsically linked in the will to survive.

In Control - Mary. Photo of beautiful actress playing MaryD-link photo IN CONTROL concerns a young lady, Mary, although outwardly very confident and very capable in her job as a lawyer, she is nevertheless insecure, and feels very much alone. She meets Geoff, and just when things are going swimmingly well he is killed in a stupid accident. The suddenness of it all makes it hard to accept. Soon afterwards Mary begins to experience a strange phenomena. She tries to rationalise it, but it just keeps on happening.
Just as Mary feels totally out of touch with the world she meets Dave, who has also experienced these 'events', and who like Mary, also believed he might be going mad...

Film Style

The film will be a science-fiction/thriller, in a style similar to the 'Twilight Zone' series, where the story is all important. Has over 30 exterior locations in around London, over 20 interior locations.

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